Ulead video studio 11 tips
Ulead video studio 11 tips

The more advanced controls are welcome, but compared to a Premiere Elements, they don’t quite measure up. VideoStudio, for our money, is content with being good rather than striving to be great. However, that feature, along with support for the likes of HD DVD, is a luxury that sounds impressive on the box, but is unlikely to be touched by 95 percent of the program’s users. We also appreciated the option for blue screen work if we wanted to, which gives an idea of the sophistication of some of the effects contained within the software. We found it straightforward to play with titles, add a few effects and overlay fresh audio, while the output side of things is efficient and clear. Nonetheless, thanks to a variety of templates, easy-to-get-to-grips-with tools and a selection of options that give you welcome control over your creation without being over-daunting, we were soon happily working away. The editing is good fun, although we found it easier to work with the added flexibility that something like Pinnacle’s Studio offers. User-friendliness is certainly a mantra here. In fact, even to get to that stage we’d bypassed one of the many ways VideoStudio tries to simplify matters, as we turned down its offer to simply transfer our DV content to DVD, untouched by any form of editing. It picked the connection up easily enough and we were capturing the footage from the camera in good time.


We put the product to the test with an hour of DV footage, on a camera connected to our test PC via FireWire. Still, it’s as intuitive as you can reasonably expect it to be. And secondly, while a fine product in its own right, the competition is, to be blunt, better. Firstly, it has at heart a relative simplicity, which it fails to offset properly against more advanced tools for experienced users (although it does try). Now under the stewardship of Corel, Ulead’s competent VideoStudio product nonetheless faces some familiar problems.

Ulead video studio 11 tips